Resetting Git Working Directory Commands

I prefer CLI to visual tools for Git

In doing my day-to-day development, I prefer to do most tasks Git related in a CLI. There are great tools available in Visual Studio 2017, Code, and 3rd party software like Source Tree, but for I like what I like, and the CLI does it for me. One thing that it is super easy to do in the CLI is “resetting” or clearing a working directory and starting fresh. We all make random changes, whether it be add/remove files and make changes that we decide are not ideal for commiting. There are a few ways/options to clean up your directory, and in this post I will show the ones I use often with their caveats.

Git Reset HEAD~1

git reset HEAD~1

✅ Reverts non-pushed commits

Git Checkout ‘.’

git checkout . (path specifier. undoes staged local mods)

  • Does NOT delete local, non-pushed commits
  • Does NOT delete local, non-tracked files
  • Restores tracked files you deleted
  • Reverts changes you made to tracked files

Clean and reset

git clean -f -d -x (force, remove untracked changes)
git reset --hard

  • Does NOT delete local, non-pushed commits
  • Reverts changes you made to tracked files
  • Restores tracked files you deleted
  • Deletes files/dirs listed in .gitignore (like build files, node_modules)
  • Deletes files/dirs that are not tracked and not in .gitignore